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2nd World Congress on Thyroid Cancer, 10-14.7.2013

2nd World Congress on Thyroid Cancer, 10-14.7.2013

| Beitrags-ID: 250196

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2nd World Congress on Thyroid Cancer, Toronto

a State of the Art Conference on Thyroid Nodules
and Thyroid Cancer, July 10-14, 2013.

The first World Congress on Thyroid Cancer, in August 2009, was widely acclaimed as „the best conference on thyroid cancer ever held“. With almost 800 registrants from 65 countries and from every Continent except Antarctica, the enthusiastic response of participants was overwhelming.

With broad representation from Endocrine Surgery, Otorhinolaryngology, Endocrinology, Oncology, Radiology, Pathology and Molecular Medicine, the conference will again cover the entire spectrum of thyroid nodule and thyroid cancer evaluation and treatment. The sessions are interactive, clinically oriented and case-based, encouraging thoughtful cross-specialty interaction, discussion, collaboration and novel insights.

The WCTC was endorsed by over 30 National and International Societies, including AAES, ATA, AACE and Endocrine Society. WCTC2 promises to be even better and more relevant to your clinical practice and research interests. Join us on the cutting edge of both the art and the science of Thyroid Nodules and Thyroid Cancer!

Antwort auf: 2nd World Congress on Thyroid Cancer, 10-14.7.2013

| Beitrags-ID: 346243


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