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Someone can help me in english please?

Someone can help me in english please?

| Beitrags-ID: 239188


I do not speak a lot of german, but I need some help. They found knoten on my thyroid, the endocrinologist requested an ultrasound, after that with the ultrasound results and blood tests the bard of the hospital met and they determined that that I need surgery for total removal of my thyroid. I said I wanted a second opinion, I had it in a Referenzezentrum from the list, and they said I needed a scinthigraphy and fine needle punction to decide if I need a surgery. I did the scintigraphy, but the nuclear medicine doctor refused to do the biopsy, he argumented that the scintigraphy is clear enough and that i need the surgery without further tests.
But I have read here, that having a Kalt Knoten des not mean I have cancer and des not necesarily mean that I NEED the surgery. I do not want to have a surgery to remove my whole thyroid just to make the diagnose.
Is there another way? can I get the biopsy somewhere else? is the biopsy contraindicated for some reason when the knoten are cold?
Please I need help, I am quite lost!

LottileinLeitungsteam NW Hypopara pap. SD-Ca pT 4b N1M1, Hypopara

Antwort auf: Someone can help me in english please?

| Beitrags-ID: 288669

Hello Mel,

welcome to the forum. We have a broschure on thyroid nodules. Are you able to read German?

Here is the part of the broschure that deals with diagnostics of thyroid nodules in English (my translation):

Nodules are suspect of malignancy when they are fast-growing and also when they cannot be moved during the palpation examination by the doctor.

Malignancy is suspected in particular if a combination of the following characteristics can be seen in the ultrasound:

absence of rim(Halo sign)
irregular shape
increased blood circulation (hypervascularity)
changes in neighbouring lymph nodes
elastographically hard tissue

One characteristic alone is not sufficient to suspect cancer.

When individual nodules are larger than 1 cm, appear „cold“ in the scintigram or look susicious im the ultrasound, a fine needle aspiration shoud be performed for clarification.

End of quotation.

So, as you can see, you should definitely try to find someone to do a biopsy/fine needle aspiration.

Here is the link to the full text in German.

Broschüre: Knoten der Schilddrüse – Inhaltsverzeichnis

Maybe you can open a new thread with „search for doctor that does biopsy in … (region)“.

Best wishes,

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Antwort auf: Someone can help me in english please?

| Beitrags-ID: 288670

Hi Lotti,

I can read German, but I highly appretiate your translation. I have managed to make an appointment for a Biopsy, next week. I hope for the best.

Thanks a lot,


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