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Ankündigung im Forum: TFI Webinar: International Thyroid Awareness Week, 28.05.2022

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TFI Webinar: International Thyroid Awareness Week
28. Mai 2022 um 14:00 - 16:00
It's the 14th International Thyroid Awareness Week. Please join Thyroid Federation International for its annual webinar series featuring leading thyroid experts. This webinar features a lecture from Kelsey A. Roelofs MD, Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Fellow at the University of California.

May 28, 2022 1pm London, 2pm Paris, 8am New York, 8am Montreal, 8pm Beijing (please check your corresponding time zone)

Von Harald am 27. Mai 2022 at 14:07 erstellt. Zuletzt aktualisiert von Harald am 27. Mai 2022 at 14:07.

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